Directions: Put ‘Carderock Recreation Area’ in Google Maps (other GPS may give you wrong results). Maps below.
When road into park ends, go left into that parking lot (there are 3 parking lots to the right)
On the trail:
- Go west! Out and back as far as you want. Great Falls is 4 miles from start. Seneca Aqueduct is 12 miles from start. Trail is quieter once past Great Falls.
- The Great Falls overlook takes you away from bike for 10–15 minutes so bring lock for that
- Bathrooms/water at Carderock and Great Falls
Après ride: Market On The Boulevard, 7945 Macarthur Blvd #104, Cabin John, MD 20818 or other restaurants next to it. (3 miles from Carderock by car)
Cal 202 365 2836